What is Intergroup?

It’s a question we hear often from newcomers who are not familiar with 12-Step programs.

Intergroup is the umbrella organization linking all SCA meetings in Los Angeles, Long Beach and Orange County.

Each meeting elects one representative to conduct and vote on business matters affecting SCA Los Angeles.
Elected Intergroup representatives hold their positions for one year, from March through the following February.

Intergroup representatives meet once a month via zoom on the third Saturday of each month at 11:00am.

All SCA members are welcomed to attend but only Intergroup representatives and officers may vote.

SCA Los Angeles Intergroup also sends representatives to the annual International Service Organization (ISO) convention to discuss and vote on matters affecting SCA Internationally.

Los Angeles Intergroup is a great way to be of service and make a difference in your recovery.  We are all trusted servants who volunteer our time to ensure that our primary purpose continues:  To carry our message to the sexual compulsive who still suffers.

Highlights from August 2024 meeting:

  • Dan W. will be our new Chairperson for the remaining term.
  • An updated letter to the courts has been posted to our website.  letter-to-the-courts
  • If you need any literature please email [email protected]
Next Meeting is Saturday, September 21st at 11:00am via Zoom

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Meeting ID: 787-716-2543, Password: 820626
One-Click link: click here

Donations to Intergroup collected at meetings or from individual members can be mailed to:
Los Angeles Intergroup of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
1049 Havenhurst Drive #96
West Hollywood, CA 90046

Donations can also be made with PayPal.