Literature is our “portable program,” giving us a means of keeping ourselves in touch with our recovery any time we need it. SCA has developed a number of pieces of its own literature. SCA members also find that using literature from other 12-step fellowships, particularly that of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon Family Groups, has been very helpful. There are also a number of books on the nature of sexual compulsion and addiction and on recovery from sexual compulsion that are available commercially; while SCA does not endorse outside enterprises, many SCA members have found literature of this nature to be helpful.
Please note that anyone may order SCA literature, you do not need to be a member.
To order literature for meetings in the Los Angeles area, please contact Doyle, Intergroup’s literature distribution contact. You can email him at l[email protected]
If you are outside of the Los Angeles area, you can Click here to order literature directly from the ISO website.
Here is recently approved literature approved for distribution in Los Angeles:
SCA Signs of Recovery: SCA Signs of Recovery
The Early Days in Los Angeles & Orange Counties CA: Early Days of SCA in LA & OC
For Atheists or Agnostics in SCA: For_Atheists_Or_Agnostics
Spiritual Recovery: Spiritual Recovery
Reflection on Step One: Reflection on Step One
Here is a list of literature available from SCA:
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous: A Program of Recovery aka “The SCA Blue Book”:
Describes the program of SCA. It is written by members and includes the 12 Steps/12 Traditions adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous, 14 Characteristics we have in common, The Tools that Help us Get Better and chapters on Sobriety / Recovery Plans, Sponsorship, Service, what happens at Meetings, how to avoid slips, masturbation, shame and a brief history of the program followed by some useful prayers and meeting formats.
SCA Step Workbook available for download:
SCA has produced and approved this workbook to help members use the Twelve Suggested Steps of SCA to support their recovery from sexual compulsion. Each Step contains three parts: SCA’s approved commentary on the Step, further reflections on that step, and a series of self-examination questions.
There are also 3 blank fillable pages after the end of Step Twelve that can be used for additional notes. These blank pages are followed by worksheets for Steps Four, Six, Eight, and Eleven.
Download SCA Step Workbook by clicking here.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls:
A description of some of the common diversions that can cause us to veer off the path of recovery. We have grouped them based on our collective experience of when they are most likely to be found, but you may run into any of them at any time in recovery. We also offer suggested courses of action to take when you encounter them. You may download a free copy here.
SCA Sexual Recovery Plan:
A Sexual Recovery Plan is a predetermined way of expressing our sexuality consistent with our values, so that even when confused, we will have a written guideline to help us. You may download a copy here.
Moving Through Withdrawal:
WITHDRAWAL. The word brought up hideous images: addicts curled up in a fetal position, writhing in agony, or crying out in pain. We feared withdrawal and desperately tried to avoid it. As the book “Alcoholics Anonymous” says: “We thought we could find an easier, softer way. But we could not.” The only way out of withdrawal, we found, is to go through it.” We often think of withdrawal only in terms of substances. This piece of literature speaks directly about the experiences of withdrawal for recovering sex addicts.
A Guide for Newcomers to Sexual Compulsives Anonymous.
Secret Shame:
Sexual Compulsion in the Lives of Gay Men and Lesbians (this appears as a chapter in the Little Blue Book but is still available as a pamphlet).
How to Start an SCA Meeting:
Describes how to start an SCA meeting (this appears as a chapter in the Little Blue Book but is still available as a pamphlet).
SCA Statement of Purpose aka “The Four-Fold”:
A compact reference including our Statement of Purpose, Twelve Suggested Steps, Fourteen Characteristics, and more. You may download a free copy here.
For the Newcomer:
A compact guide useful to give to people new to meetings or for placement at clinics or other institutions. Welcome to SCA
The Tool of Writing:
Describes how writing, in various forms, can benefit an individual in working a program of recovery from sexual compulsion.
Starter Kit:
This kit is designed specifically to help you start a meeting in your area and includes 5 Blue Books, 10 newcomer, 10 four folds, 10 Q&A , 10 Sexual Recovery Plan Guides, an International Meeting List and “How to Start an SCA Meeting”.
Best of the SCAnner:
Highlights from four consecutive issues of The SCAnner, Winter 1998 through Summer 2000, 88 pages, on these four themes: The Twelve Steps, The Twelve Traditions, The Tools That Help Us Get Better, The Characteristics Most of Us Seem to Have in Common. Click here to view the SCAnner online.
Literature in Spanish include:
El Librito Azul:
Contiene una descripción detallada del programa de SCA.
(The official Spanish version of the First Edition of “The Little Blue Book”)
Verguenza Secreta:
La compulsión sexual en las vidas de hombres gays y lesbianas.
(The official Spanish version of the “Secret Shame”)
SCA Objetivo Fundamental:
El folleto “Compulsivos Sexualos Anónimos” contiene el Objetivo Fundamental de SCA, los doce pasos sugeridos, las 14 características, y más.
(The official Spanish version of the “Four Fold”)
Para el recien llegado:
Una guía compacta útil para darle a los recién llegados en las reuniones o para colocar en clínicas u otras instituciones.
(The official Spanish version of “For the Newcomer”)